Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The First Day of School

(c) 2012 Ms. Huis Herself at

I have excellent news!  Mr. Kluges has gotten my camera to talk to my laptop!  Yay for pictures! Now, I won't go overwhelming you all with the entire summer's worth in one day, but now at least I can share the girls' first day of school photos with you.  Pumpkin, who recently turned 8, has started 3rd grade, and Penguin, 5 since May, is in half-day kindergarten.  When did they get so big?! 



Pusher said...

Kindergarten! Exciting stuff! (And hooray for live-in tech support.)

Anonymous said...

now what about Halloween
would be fun (esp for relatives that live far away) to see pictures of Halloween over the years, parrot perhaps?