(c) 2012 Ms. Huis Herself at musenmutter.blogspot.com
Penguin: Before there was cheese, there was....
Me: Milk?
P: Yes, and before there was milk, there was....
M: Water?
P: Before there was water there was?
P: What was before the world?
P: No, before God there was?
M: God. What do YOU think was before nothing?
At lunchtime today, I had this conversation with Penguin. She's been asking similar questions, putting things in order lately, so I wasn't too surprised by the beginning anyway.
Penguin: Before there was cheese, there was....
Me: Milk?
P: Yes, and before there was milk, there was....
M: Water?
P: And before there was water, there was...?
M: Nothing really - water happened pretty early.
P: Before there was water there was?
M: Well, water was around pretty early on the world.
P: What was before the world?
M: God.
P: Before there was God there was?
M: Nothing. Before God was nothing.
P: Before nothing there was?
M: God.
P: No, before God there was?
M: Nothing.
P: Before nothing was?
M: God. What do YOU think was before nothing?
P: Unicorns.
M: Unicorns?!
P: Yup, space-traveling unicorns.