Thursday, March 29, 2012

RIP, Greatgrandma

(c) 2012 Ms. Huis Herself at

My grandmother, my father's mother, my daughters' only greatgrandparent, passed away yesterday at the age of 95. While we knew her health was declining and that she had some specific medical issues, it's always a surprise  when it actually happens. She had a long and love-filled life, and we will miss her.

I made pudding tonight in her honor. Chocolate, this time, and yes, there was Cool Whip.


Pusher said...

My sympathy for your loss. I'm so glad, though, that your girls had the chance to have a great-grandmother for a while! And that you have such a nice way to keep her in your memories.

Kashka said...

My sympathies as well - And I'm Lutheran enough to believe that there's no higher honor than a nice dessert topped with Cool Whip.

nonick said...

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope the chocolate pudding brought some joy and memories with it.