Monday, March 23, 2009

Why look, I can still type!

(c) 2009 Ms. Huis Herself at

Sorry for the lack of substantial posting lately. A picture may be worth 1000 words, but I suppose I do need to, you know, actually write sometimes!

Between the three performances of my community ed dance recital this past weekend, plus dress rehearsal one evening, plus Pumpkin had TWO birthday parties this week, plus we're trying to move everything out of the office, scrape where needed, repair/replaster cracks, and prep for painting it (well, Mr. Kluges is doing most of the office work)... there just hasn't been much time to sit down in front of the computer. And when I do, it's usually just a quick check of Bloglines and pop around to see who has posted what.

Now Pumpkin's come down with a bit of a spring cold. She's not too bad - mostly just a nose that manages to be both stuffy and runny at the same time with maybe a little cough now and again. But she was up some in the night last night, and really hard to wake up this morning, so I let her sleep in. Since I can, I'm keeping her home today to rest. She's not so sick that I wouldn't send her if I was working, too, and had to make special arrangements for her to stay home, But since I have the luxury of being able to just decide to keep her home, I'm going to do so today. (And working parents, I do realize what a hassle it is to arrange care for a sick kid! "Huh, I guess I'll keep her home today" and really no other arrangements to make? Luxury.)

So she'll get to watch a little more telly than usual, plus have "quiet time" in her room in the morning as well as the afternoon, and I'll get her to drink lots of liquids, and hopefully she'll be right as rain* in no time.

*Which, coincidentally, is what's forecast for 9 of the next 10 days. I love spring... but not the mud and the mess!


Allknowingjen said...

How did your show go? Did you have a nice turn out? I know what you mean about Spring- I love the warmer weather, but I can't wait for it to be warm AND dry! (so picky!)

Ms. Huis Herself said...

It went well. It's a big production with ALL the dance and acrobatics classes the park & recreation department has, so my class is just a small 2 minute part of it! Small crowd 1st matinee, but almost full for eve & Sun matinee. I stepped on my veil at the first show, but somehow managed to not fall on my can. No problems last two shows, thank goodness!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I thought once my kids got older and went to school I'd have more "me" time. Boy, was I wrong! Then add in home improvement projects. I've definately been there! It sure is nice to be able to keep your children home whenever you feel the need to, isn't it? Yet another great thing about being a substitute teacher!