Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fun with Photos

Because this is easier than trying to remember what I was actually going to post about...

Mess not with the small spitty one. She is BLACK BELT!

"La la la. So happy together!"

And finally...

(Apologies that it's sideways...)

"Yook! I put on my pants all by MYSELF!"


Happy Veggie said...

Where in the world does all of that hair come from? I can't even get my hair that long. (Ok, so I get impatient and give up and cut it, but still!) Oh, and go black belt baby.

Syl said...

Too funny!

Allknowingjen said...

LOL! So cute!

kittenpie said...

I love these! Pumpkin is adorable, and the black belt is cracking me up.