Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WW - A few from Girls' Adventure Weekend '09

(c) 2009 Ms. Huis Herself at

(I tell you, the top bunk felt almost as difficult to climb to my poor arms after rock climbing and the ropes course!)

(All of us, except poor Syl!)


Nectarine said...

Looks like another fun trip!!

Pusher said...

Wow, that first one should be an off-limits butt shot, but you look awesome!

Big Daddy, Esq. said...
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Ms. Huis Herself said...

Big Daddy left a comment asking, "Where's the shot of [Syl's] broken leg? ;)" but since he inadvertently used her real name, I'm deleting it.

Here's my response though!

Big Daddy, Esq. - no photo of her leg, but I did get one of her in the hospital looking frown-y over her very-non-GAW meal of toast, apple juice, jello, and chicken broth. No cheese, no cream, no BACON! :) Poor Syl!

Syl said...

Big Daddy - stay tuned, I may try to post pics of the hardware they put in my leg. I have a couple of very intimidating x-rays...