Thursday, February 19, 2009

Um, oops?

(c) 2008 Ms. Huis Herself at

Small girl who won't leave in clips, or ponytails, or even the silly-looking topknot + slightly frustrated mommy sick of trying to put them in and/or find some way to keep her hair out of her eyes/mouth/boogery nose + easy access (on Mommy's part) to fingernail scissors while small girl is holding still and brushing her teeth + only one previous instance of cutting-child's-hair and that was a trim at the back = Hey, wow, those bangs are a little shorter and a little wider than I'd intended...


Happy Veggie said...

Hehehe. Oops sounds about right. Just say her older sister did it to her when people ask. ;)

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Happy Veggie, that is EXACTLY what Mr. Kluges suggest I do! :)

DiploWhat said...

If they are also uneven, feel free to blame my mom. She couldn't cut bangs straight to save her life. We have many pictures proving it.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Surprisingly, they aren't too bad for slanting to one side or the other. Which is good, because I didn't end up with much spare I coulda trimmed to correct that! They are _definitely NOT_ ruler-straight though!

Anonymous said...

OK, enough talk, we need pictures. You need to document what her sister did to her. ;)