(c) 2008 Ms. Huis Herself at musenmutter.blogspot.com

I took these pictures the other day because I was going to write about Penguin and how close she was to crawling.
Except for this one foot that kept getting in the way.

But now... now I can't write about how she's almost crawling...
... because she's figured it out!
Yay, Penguin!!!
(And yes, she has crawled somewhat longer distances than that, but do you know how hard it is to get her to crawl on cue, where I want her to crawl, when I've got the camera ready?)
Lord protect us. It's time to put everything three feet off the ground. Oh yeah and clean the floors again.
Yeah, we've got the same problem foot issue. I could have taken exactly the same picture. I expect to get a note from daycare any day that she's figure it out. Otherwise we may have to drive to WI so she can take lessons from the master.
As a recent victim of "crawly baby syndrome", I must say that's some fine legwork right there.
No putting the toothpaste back in THAT tube.
Watch out world - here she comes! And think of her as a mobile mop - those knees will get up lots of stuff on the floor:)
Yay for crawling!
And yes, yes, I know exactly how hard it is to get them to perform on cue when the camera is out!
Go baby go!
Wow. Wasn't she just born? How did time go so fast? I bet you're asking the same questions...
tee hee.
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