Thursday, November 13, 2008

NBPM13 - Thursday Thoughts - NaNoWriMo

(c) 2008 Ms. Huis Herself at

Someday I'm going to write a novel*. It's one of the things on my list of stuff I'd like to do in my life. And I was thinking, this would probably have been a good year to give National Novel Writing Month a try because:
  • Pumpkin is in school for about 3 hours most every day. Penguin still sometimes takes morning naps. Therefore, when I'm lucky, I could maybe squeeze in 30-45 minutes writing time there. (Which happens to be when I'm trying to do my NaBloPoMo posts this month.)
  • Both girls have "rest time" in the afternoon. If/when I manage to get those to overlap, I've got additional get-stuff-done time.
  • We put Penguin to be between 6 & 6:30, with Pumpkin following between 7:30 & 8. There's a lot of evening still left before I fall asleep.
  • I've got a working computer sitting right here I can use. (Well, whenever Mr. Kluges isn't playing Diablo on it, that is. *grin*)

Why I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year:
  • All the things I try to do during the girls' naps/rest time/evenings, wouldn't get done. That means we'd be behind on laundry, dishes, meals, tidying, bill paying, etc. etc. etc.
  • It's a bit intimidating to think of the amount of words involved there!
  • Most importantly, I've got no idea what I'd write about.

Maybe next year I'll give it a try, if I can get an idea in my head, because Pumpkin will still be having half-day school as a 5Ker. Penguin won't be morning napping anymore, and bedtimes will possibly be a little later, especially for Penguin, but still quite reasonable.

So, you know, if you've got a grand idea for me to write about, please DO feel free to share it in the comments! 'Cuz I think I might have convinced myself to take the plunge next year.

(And a big shout out to those of you doing or who have done NaNoWriMo! You rock!)

*Note: nowhere to I ever say I'm going to write a good novel, or a novel I'd necessarily let anybody else read, just that I'd do it - have a plot, develop characters, write that many words, etc.


Kashka said...

As down as I generally am on fan-fic, I think it's completely legitimate to write fan-fic about yourself.

Kashka said...

Oh, and yes -- after graduation I would totally love to get on a trivia team with you!

Mr. Kluges said...

Ahem...that's diablo 2.