Saturday, August 19, 2006

More Fun With Bread Photos

Pumpkin's been battling a cold the last few days, and I was feeling a bit draggy and ill last night myself, so I'm going to choose a nap over a post about the fun outdoor performance of Merry Wives of Windsor that I saw on the grounds of Blarney Castle on Thursday night. I'll get to it sometime this week though.

But so as not to disappoint anyone who comes looking for a new entry, here are a couple more photos of Pumpkin helping me make bread.

She loves punching
down the dough.
And she helped sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon on the raisin bread dough. That is, until she tasted it. Then sprinkling was found to be definitely inferior to further tasting.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Yum, raisins! :)

kittenpie said...

Oh, lovely! Pumpkinpie helped Misterpie bake a cake today for his sister's birthday, too.