Thursday, September 21, 2006

Did I mention...

...that this is where she wanted to play on Monday?


Anonymous said...

That? Is the cleanest under-sink area I have ever seen. Maybe she's just channeling some of Ang's plumbing woes and wants to help out?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Um, it's only clean 'cuz we had to clear out the shelf and all the crap we had in there in order to get to the plugs & hoses & all to UNHOOK the old washer. Otherwise, yeah, clutter city.

Also, can I tell you how DISGUSTING the area under the washer was? *shudder* You see, the seals had been going, which means water had been leaking down under there, which means there was nasty mold in addition to all the under-appliance-crud. Ick!

('Course, when I put most of the stuff back the cabinet, I did try to tidy it up a bit. But due to the laws of the universe, I'm sure it's back to cluttery already. *grin*)

Anonymous said...

At least my current plumbing issue has been taken care of. The faucet is installed! Woo hoo! So how's that new washing machine working out? I recall that the old one took quit a long time to cycle through -- or was that the dryer? Or both?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh, it's both that took a long time, but the new washer is a little bigger and a little faster. I think (since I stopped keeping track and would just figure on one load taking hours), that the old one used to take an hour and a half or an a hour and 3/4, but the setting I usually use on this one runs closer to just under an hour. So, yay!