Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Day at the Farm

(c) 2008 Ms. Huis Herself at musenmutter.blogspot.com

Our CSA farm had a potluck picnic day on Sunday. Even though it's an hour away, I convinced Mr. Kluges it would be a good idea to go - meet the farmers, see the farm, let the girls see more about where that box of vegetables comes from every week.

It was so worth the drive. Especially since both girls (BOTH girls!) fell asleep almost right away in the car on the way there. Which meant they were both rested and cheerful and great while we were there... plus the ride was so nice and quiet!

It's just a small farm/very very large garden. They've only been doing CSA for 3 years, but have grown each year. It's a couple about our age or so with their three kids (5, 7 & 9). The dad works full-time outside the home, so it's mostly the mom and kids, plus some occasional help. They do things without chemicals, but with cover crops between some rows, so you might notice the pictures look a little weedy.

It was so neat to see the salad mix growing all mixed-up in the rows. They had so many tomato plants going! We're going to be swamped with tomatoes when our 6 plants (2 cherry) start producing, too! Guess I'd better get out the books/recipes Gramma Yori gave me about canning!

Penguin LOVED the raspberries that we picked while on the tour. Even though she'd make a funny sour face with each bite, she kept asking signing "more" and saying, "Mmmm."

Pumpkin thought it was great, too. She got to pet a chicken, swing, feed the chickens, ride on the back of a golf cart, have a picnic, and play with other kids in a sandbox.

I know it was a good day, because we weren't five minutes down the road on the way home when Pumpkin said,
"Let's go to the farm EVERY DAY!"


kittenpie said...

What a great day! It's terrific for kids to get to see this stuff in action.

Nectarine said...

What a great way to spend the day together.

Allknowingjen said...

That is pretty cool- looks like a lot of fun! I love when stuff like that works out to be as much fun as you had hoped :)

DiploWhat said...

cool. Raspberries - another thing I will miss.

Pusher said...

So very cool.