(c) 2012 Ms. Huis Herself at musenmutter.blogspot.com
I HAD to share this cute lunch I made for my girls today 'cuz it's rather more fancy that I usually do. But since we're pretty much at the end of fall, and I still had a turkey cookie cutter in my bento stuff drawer, well, here's what they got...
(Click on the picture to make it larger.)
That'd be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into a turkey shape, with carrot ribbon feathers/wing (Just take your peeler to the carrot & voila! Ribbons!) and feet colored in with a food-safe marker. I used the cookie cutter on the edge of a fruit strip to cut out the red head part, and a small straw to make the eye on each. It's surrounded by some Pirate's Booty puffed snacky things and 3 candy corn. Underneath all that hides a sausage stick. In the other, sealable container there is homemade unsweetened applesauce with cinnamon and some fall leaf sprinkles.
Now isn't that just the most fall-ish lunch you've ever seen?! (Other than a leftover turkey sandwich, of course! *grin*)
(In case you're wondering, this is the kind of bento box I'm using today. Love it!)