But here's the best part...
on his sidebar he had a link to this...
Now, I know how much a bunch of us geeked out on "Albert Einstein's Riddle" when Jaysan posted it on his old blog, so I have the feeling that I'm not going to be the only one who gets at least temporarily addicted to this. And unlike Herr Dude's Guess the Quote for Quatloos dealie, which the really cool kids (aka not me) just know, you are EXPECTED to need to Google. And/or use Wikipedia. And/or an imaging program. And/or whatever. At least for many of them anyway. Much fun, but man, am I stuck on #47!
(No, I did not do #1-46 first... I sorted by difficulty and am working my way up. That's the easiest one I'm still stuck on, even though I've opened some (and solved a few) harder ones.)
EVIL SITE!! I am now a junkie!!
Hah! You're not at work now. You've got LOADS of time on your hands! (I say this, knowing full well just how much stuff you've mentioned is on your to-do-before-Meimei-comes list.)
Damn. Now I'm addicted too! Did you look at the discussion thread for 47? As soon as they mentioned looking at the background picture, I got it. Then I felt stupid for not getting it from the title of the puzzle. I've already spent *way* too much time on this site!
Ok, I did look at the discussion thread, but I can't figure out what the background picture is. I've looked and looked. And "Dependency"... I just don't get it. I know what the five pictures stand for (Yay, Wikipedia), but that's where I"m stuck. I've got no idea what the numbers are for, so that's a dead end for me right now, too. I'd take a hint if you'd help a girl out... :)
I'm no good at hinting, so I apologize if this is either no help at all or makes it no longer a puzzle.
The numbers are backwards for Brits.
I couldn't believe the background picture was what it was, so I spent a day or so in confusion until I just got out of denial and accepted what it was. Then I knew it right away.
So if you think you might recognize the picture but that couldn't possibly be it, it is.
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