Friday, September 21, 2007


(c) 2007 Ms. Huis Herself at


  • Penguin discovered her toes.
  • We saw Christmas trees and decorations for sale at Kohl's.
  • Mr. Kluges got to clean up our first sewer back-up.

(Argh! Mr. Kluges just told me I missed out on "Talk Like a Pirate" Day this week! I guess I'm just a scurvy dog.)


Happy Veggie said...

Discovered her toes, as in, made a snack of them?
Our Ped told Mina at her 4 month checkup that they were little snakes, but if she bit them, they would bite her back. I am so going to miss her!

Syl said...

1. Yay!
2. Wha?
3. Eew!