Thursday, July 10, 2008

The plumbing works...

(c) 2008 Ms. Huis Herself at

...but this is what my kitchen ceiling still looks like.

"One step at a time," huh? Or is that "one step forward; two steps back?"

Edited to add: Mr. Kluges writes about it more, with a picture of the old pipe, over at House of 42 Doors.


Mary Beth said...

Every time you see that, repeat to yourself "The plumbing now works!" Hot showers make a hole in the kitchen ceiling a lot easier to take:)

The Sexy Blonde said...

One step at a time, regardless of which direction it seems to be taken in :-) I'm relieved to know your bathroom is in working order again!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Not as "relieved" as I am, TSB! Not as relieved as I am! ;)

kittenpie said...

That i8s so my living room, but with ductwork and the wall, not pipes in ceilings. sigh.