Monday, December 04, 2006

Santa in a Helicopter

copyright 2006 by Ms. Huis Herself
Please read this at
because that is the REAL site. Thank you!
[Edited to add - to the people who are coming here by searching for something about Cork Blarney Woollen Mills Santa, this link is probably what you really want, but feel free to have a read here, too.]

Last week I completely forgot to blog about this. So I'll make up for it now! Every year (apparently on the last weekend in November), Santa flies into Blarney by helicopter. It's a big thing with tons of people, the local radio station blasting Xmas music, and lots of driving around the parking lot looking for a place to park. (Except for those of us close enough & smart enough to just walk down.) Last year Pumpkin napped a little too long, so we missed it, but this year we were there!

See the crowds o' people? Good thing Mr. Kluges is tall enough that Pumpkin could see over them all.

Santa circled a few times so that everybody could wave at him.

He is landing (and we're all standing) in a large field that, according to the status of our shoes and stroller wheels, must usually contain cows and possible also horses.

There he is! The man of the hour. Mr Kluges had managed to get closer and he said Pumpkin was able to see him easily. I was with the stroller further down, so this is on max zoom.

Afterwards, while the hundreds of people in the cow pasture were trying to all squeeze through the single-person-wide gate to follow Santa (now riding a fire truck) over to the Blarney Woolen Mills parking lot, we climbed over the fence to the road and got some really nice pictures of the castle from an area not usually accessible to the public.

See? Pretty, huh.

And that's the story of Santa and the helicopter. We plan to bring Pumpkin to see him "in person" at a mall or the Woolen Mills or someplace this year, so she can see him a little more up close. She's very excited about Christmas already and loves looking at Santas, snowmen, and Christmas trees as decorations go up all around town.

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