Monday, July 02, 2007

Oh well

(c) 2007 Ms. Huis Herself at

So we hemmed and hawed throughout the weekend, and finally called the real estate agent this morning to find out if the offer had been accepted and it was. We didn't feel too, too badly ('cuz if we would have really, really wanted it, we would have moved faster, you know?). It was a very nice house, with great decor we wouldn't have had to change, enough space to garden & for Penguin & Pumpkin to play, small but decent kitchen, WONDERFUL bathroom with soaking tub and tiled shower, etc. etc. etc. But... one bedroom was tiny, the non-masterbedroom closets were small, it only had a bath and a half, with no room to expand that half bath or put in another (when we have two teenage girls, you know), it wasn't as private as Mr. Kluges would like the yard to be... We would probably have outgrown it in time.

It also highlighted for us (ok, mostly me) that if want this other place we're considering (aka Mr. Kluges is slightly obsessed about and to which he keeps circling back around), we need to move forward on taking a really good, hard look at it. We need to figure out more about the cost and extensiveness of some of the updates and/or repairs that need doing. We need to consider the neighborhood (not bad... rather more blue-collar... and this big brick monstrosity we're looking at is definitely the most expensive around that area) and the resale potential 'cuz those are two related concerns. I need to think about how much work/remodeling/hassle I'm willing to deal with along with a 3 year old ('cuz she almost is!) and an infant.

Well, enough of that - if I keep going, I'd end up replaying most of the hemming and hawing from the weekend - and that's not very entertaining!

But I will leave you with this quote from Mr. Kluges...

I'm going to have another [homebrewed] mead. It's easier to move empty bottles than full ones.

P.S. We're going to be running around closing on our old house and trying to see lots of friends and family over the next few days, so posting will probably be light to non-existent, but Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!


Syl said...

Have you see Hidden Potential on HGTV? They take people around to three houses that are a lot under their budget, but also really ugly or whatever, then show them upgrades and changes on the computer that make the place what they wanted and bring them up to their budget.

Jaysan said...

I like home improvement as much as the next guy (maybe more...) but even though the finished product that you can see in your mind is awesome, getting there may not come soon or easy.

I'm not saying the dream house is not really cool (it is, I've seen the pictures) but just keep in mind that once you really get into it, it is ALWAYS more than you first thought.

I know from experience, which is why we had to build new, and that was only marginally different.

ewe are here said...

I feel your hemming and hawing.

Our (hopefully) new home will require a lof of sweat and tears and cash. Sigh.

I think it will be worth it though.

ShoNuff said...

Your husband is a wise man!
Have fun with the crazy running around maybe we'll see you for a few minutes.