Thursday, January 04, 2007

January Challenge (or Books Galore)

copyright 2007 by Ms. Huis Herself
Please read this at
because that is the REAL site. Thank you!

I was over at Mary P.'s site and saw that she was taking up this challenge . . .

Posting challenge for January: "a book...every day, all month long. If you'd like to participate, please do! There are no rules, except you must post a book every day. It can be a book you love, a book you hate, a book that impacted you. Whatever you wish. You may review it, or just tell why it matters; you may post a picture from Amazon or your own copy. Whatev. Up to you."

Apparently it's from Sassy Student. (Not a blog I've read before, but I might have to 'cuz it's a good idea.) And I like to read, as do many of you, I know, so it sounded like fun. Now, I'm not promising to get a post up every day, but I will post a bunch of books over the month.

('Cuz - Yay! A month's worth of ideas! Which is good 'cuz sometimes I sit down here and go, "Duh... what were all those ideas I had to post about?")

I know it's already the 4th, but I did mention War for the Oaks by Emma Bull recently, so I figure that sort of counts. And this picture contains several books, so I'm going to call myself caught up:

Yup, kid books it is for today. This is a shelf with all of our Sandra Boynton books. (Not that I'm so anal or that we're so tidy that they usually all end up on the same shelf, but it made a good picture.) We received most of these as gifts from TNGreatAunt, after we'd mentioned to her how much we liked one we had. They are fun and funny. My fav of these is Hippos Go Berserk! It counts up a bunch of hippos coming over to have a party, then counts them back down. Somehow Sandra Boynton manages to convey so much without her characters having a whole lot of facial expression.

Also, we've had The Going to Bed Book the longest. There's one page where all the animals are exercising, and Pumpkin likes to point to each one and ask what they're doing. Well, we've been doing that long enough that now we ask her back. Some are running, one is doing push-ups, and, according to Pumpkin, there are two who are doing "Thai cheese." Hee hee!

So there you go - feel free to post some of your favorite, least favorite, current reading, remember from long ago, whatever books yourself!


Dallas Blue said...

i LOVE Sandra Boynton! welcome to the challenge! thanks for participating. :-)

kittenpie said...

Ah, I love Boynton too. Hippos is one of my faves - so silly, so fun!

Syl said...

Our current fave is Pajama Time, but I will have to get the Hippos book.

Kashka said...

I can do "Hey, Wake Up" from memory. It shows up in family conversation a lot, even though we probably haven't read it to the kids in a while.

Allknowingjen said...

A cow says Moo
A sheep says Bahh
3 little pigs say LaLaLa!
No no no, that's not right...

I also have Boynton memorized. Also love Snuggle Puppy. Do you also have Philedelphia Chickens? Because that is a must!

Anonymous said...

Tngreataunt sending Rhinoceros Tap soon, do you also want Phil Chickens, on sale at Kohls

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Would LOVE Philadelpha Chickens - AK Jen says it's great. Thanks!