Friday, November 12, 2010

NaBloPoMo #12 - Belated Vets' Day Wishes

(c) 2010 Ms. Huis Herself at

Yesterday, Pumpkin's 1st grade teacher caught after school because she wanted to share a conversation they'd had earlier that day. Here's roughly what she told me.

I told the kids today was a very special day and asked them if anybody knew what day it was.
"Thursday!!!!" they all shouted.
"Well, yes, it IS Thursday, and Thursday is a good day, but I was thinking of something else because today is a special day. Does anybody know what special day it is?"
[Pumpkin] raised her hand, and when I called on her, she replied very seriously, "Today is Veterinarians' Day."
So, Belated "Vets'" Day thoughts to all those who have served or are serving our country, as well as their families. We appreciate you veterans even more than we appreciate our cat-and-dog-and-large-animal-doctors!

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