Sunday, November 04, 2007


(c) 2007 Ms. Huis Herself at

When we bought the House of 42 Doors, we knew that we'd be left with a lot of miscellaneous "stuff." It had always been owned by the same family, the previous owner was now living in Australia, and we figured his sister in Green Bay would come and take some of the furniture that had been in the house for showing purposes, but not all the random stuff.

We were right. Over the past couple of months, we enjoyed finding a lot of "treasures" like this jar of money!

(We'd been joking with Gramma Yori about finding a bunch of money. We just didn't expect it to be a Greek pickle jar full of a WIDE variety of foreign coins.)

We now are the (proud?) owners a rhino carved on a fake plastic stone that we could (but won't) use to decorate the mantle.

Or we could put it on this actually beautiful antique table. Only problem with the table is that it's too big to be a behind-the-sofa table and too small to be a dining room table. If we can just figure out where to put it, we'd be thrilled.

We also adore this mirror. The plan is to put it in our room above our long, dark cherry wood dresser where it should look divine.

We are also happy that they left behind the nice runners from the upstairs hallways. These have been cleaned and are now happily awaiting the day when the electricians are done to be put back into place.

But for all the treasures, and "treasures," we also have stuff like this stack of mostly rusted through enamel pots, pans, and one enamel, um, I guess I don't know the term for a bedpan for a male patient who needs to relieve his bladder... but we've now got one.

And this? This is the 3 car garage after we (mostly Mr. Kluges) emptied out the attic...

(Go on, click on it to make it bigger...)

And you know what? There was even more "stuff" in the basement!!!!

P.S. Don't be shocked if there ends up being another "treasures" post yet this month. You've got to see some of the rest of the stuff to believe it!


Happy Veggie said...

Those trunks looks really cool. (I have a thing for old trunks) Beats being left with a door, a nudie calendar and a bunch of old paint...

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh, old paint, I bet we were left with 50 cans of stain, varnish, and mostly paint. Which reminds me of a post about paint I should write....

Syl said...

Table in the sewing room, with sewing machine/crafty items? Used as a desk in the manly, distinguished office? Put some nice wood boxes/shelves and use as a mail center?

Love your treasures. All we found was trash. It wasn't even interesting trash. Make sure you look stuff up to ensure the value before offloading - the enamel pitcher in the garage looks antique.

Anonymous said...

The bathroom bladder empty thing I found one this weekend at my Grandma's that we were cleaning. I said, "Dad she has this thing in a cabinet in the family room like it is on display." He said, "Yes, it is worth a lot of money, that is an antique!" I do not remember it being there when I was a kid but since we had not seen the floor in that house since my childhood, no one else saw it either.


kittenpie said...

Old enamel ware goes for a lot, actually, odd as that seems...

I loooove the mirror! And the table would make a nice writing desk, perhaps?